Chioma Okoli, who is being arrested by the police for her scathing evaluation of an Erisco Foods product, was granted N5 million bail by the Federal High Court in Abuja on Friday, May 31, following three nights spent in jail. After she posted a review of a tomato paste made by Erisco Foods Limited on Facebook on September 17, 2023, the police accused her of committing cybercrimes. The authorities received a complaint from the corporation alleging that she had defamed Erisco. After being charged with two counts before trial judge Peter Lifu on Tuesday, Mrs. Okoli was placed under remand at the Suleja Correctional Centre, which is located close to Abuja.
In a ruling dated Friday, May 31, 2024, Justice Peter Lifu granted the defendant N5 million bail with two sureties in the same amount.
READ ALSO: Abuja Court Remands Tomato Paste Reviewer Chioma Okoli In Prison Over Comments On Erisco Company Product
The judge decided that one surety had to be her husband or a blood relative who lived in the court’s jurisdiction and had to have a verified source of income. Furthermore, he decided that even though Chioma had been told to give up her foreign passport and not leave the country, the sureties still had to deposit their passport photos. Judge Lifu set the next hearing date for June 13 and declared that she is subject to bail for the accusations made against her.
This happened a few days after Okoli’s husband and attorney verified that she had lost her pregnancy due to the stress the case had placed on her throughout the previous few months. Chizoba Okoli, the defendant’s spouse, described his wife’s suffering at the hands of the police and the management of Erisco Foods Limited starting in September 2023. Following the hearing on Friday in Abuja, Mr. Okoli informed the media that his wife had experienced “mental trauma” that resulted in a miscarriage. He said that his wife’s constant police arrests and detention caused their family unbearable suffering. Likewise, the defense attorney accused the police on multiple occasions of infringing against Mrs. Okoli’s basic rights to liberty and freedom of expression.
The verdict in Chioma Okoli’s case could have a significant impact on Nigerian consumer rights and corporate responsibility. Should the court ultimately find in her favor, additional customers might be inspired to share their stories without worrying about facing consequences. On the other hand, a decision that goes against her would discourage bad reviews, which might slant the market in favor of companies that have the legal authority to stifle criticism. Erisco Foods has a chance to reevaluate how they handle unfavorable reviews because of this instance. It is frequently more successful to interact with customers and find constructive solutions to their issues rather than filing a lawsuit. A company’s reputation can be improved and customer trust can be nurtured through transparency and responsiveness.
Chioma Okoli v. Erisco Foods is a complicated and multidimensional legal dispute that involves concerns about corporate responsibility, free expression, and consumer rights. It is unclear what effect the legal processes would have in the long run on how Nigeria handles negative ratings. For the time being, Chioma Okoli’s case serves as a moving reminder of the influence that words have and the significant effect that court proceedings may have on people’s lives.